Sean | September 29, 2023
Delayed Concussion Symptoms

Concussions are common injuries in society, but their commonality should not allow one to downplay their seriousness. They are, in fact, a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and thus occur only when the brain has experienced some form of trauma, typically blunt force.
When concussion symptoms are delayed (meaning they manifest hours or days after the initial accident), victims or their loved ones might downplay their concussion even more. What is certain, however, is that delayed concussion symptoms may actually be a sign of a severe TBI and should thus be immediately evaluated.
Of course, any type of head trauma, regardless of how light, should be taken seriously. When one occurs, even the slightest symptom of a TBI should be given much weight.
Common Causes of Concussions
Concussions are often the result of a blow or jolt to the head that causes the brain to impact the side of the skull or become otherwise distorted or twisted.
Unfortunately, in today’s society, many actions and activities can lead to the forces needed to cause a TBI, such as:
- Contact sports (rugby, soccer, football, wrestling, boxing, karate)
- Violent crimes (robberies, domestic violence, aggravated assault)
- Falls from heights onto hard surfaces
- Work-related injuries (being struck by machinery, vehicles, or falling or flying objects)
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Pedestrian, motorcycle, and bicycle accidents, most notably with riders who do not wear protective helmets
If negligence played a part in any of the above-listed actions, the concussion victim could potentially seek damages for their delayed symptoms. But the issue involved with doing so would be that very delay.
If a delay exists between a harmful event and the medical treatment or evaluation received in light of that event, the defense or insurance company can argue that the victim exacerbated their injury by not seeking immediate medical care.
In other words, the party could bring forth the following argument: “Because the victim did not seek immediate medical treatment, they caused their injury to worsen, an act for which they are responsible.” If the delay is significant, they could even argue that the injury may not have occurred during the incident in question at all.
What Are Delayed Concussion Symptoms?
As mentioned, delayed concussion symptoms are manifestations of a concussion that occur hours or days after the injurious incident. Sometimes, a few symptoms will present at the time of the event, while others emerge a day or more later. Other times, no symptoms occur until much later, but regardless of when they do, recognizing even the slightest hint of a concussion can save a life.
If you or someone you care about has been in a potentially dangerous incident, look closely for these signs of a concussion:
- Dizziness
- Blurry vision
- Headaches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Unexplained behavioral changes
- Fatigue and drowsiness
- Fogginess
- Speech issues, such as slurred speech
- Forgetfulness
- Clumsiness
- Amnesia
- Weakness in the arms, legs, feet, or hands
These immediate signs of a concussion may also manifest as delayed concussion symptoms.
Other delayed concussion symptoms that might occur sometime after an incident include the following:
- Sensitivity to light
- Sensitivity to noise
- Memory and concentration difficulties
- Taste and smell issues
In all actuality, a delayed concussion may very well be the beginning of the onset of symptoms related to a moderate or serious TBI. Or, it may be an indication of post-concussion syndrome, which occurs when the symptoms of a concussion continue to manifest themselves for weeks or months after the incident that caused the concussion.
Don’t Ignore the Symptoms of a Concussion
Symptoms related to head trauma are important indicators of the nature and seriousness of the victim’s injuries. Concussions can arise out of mild head trauma days or longer after an initial incident. When their symptoms do manifest, it is important to recognize them and potentially take action, especially when they continue.
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Contact a St. Petersburg car accident lawyer at Lopez Accident Injury Attorneys and schedule a free case review today.
Lopez Accident Injury Attorneys
700 7th Ave N Suite B, St. Petersburg, FL 33701