What Is Considered Reckless Driving?

The definition of reckless driving can vary based on your state. As a general rule, reckless driving includes behaviors that show the driver has a disregard for public safety. Such driving typically ranges beyond mere carelessness, as many forms of reckless driving require intent to engage in a dangerous act.

Reckless driving is generally a misdemeanor charge. Reckless driving also significantly increases the likelihood of an accident—this is a primary reason it is a criminal offense. If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a collision caused by a reckless driver, allow a car accident lawyer to hold that driver (and any other liable parties) accountable. 

Consultations are free and, if you have a valid case, your St. Petersburg car accident attorney will fight for every dollar your injuries and related damages entitle you to.

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Examples of Reckless Driving

It’s important to note again that state laws vary when it comes to defining reckless driving. In Florida, for example, the law deems anyone who “drives any vehicle in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property” to be driving recklessly.

Some driving behaviors that may qualify as reckless driving include:

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the most frequently warned about yet most common types of reckless driving. Motorists are distracted when they:

  • Take one or both hands off the wheel
  • Text
  • Take photographs or videos
  • Speak on the phone (even in a hands-free manner)
  • Eat or drink
  • Reach for items in their vehicle
  • Allow their thoughts to distract them from the act of driving

The law requires that drivers focus their full attention and all their ability on operating a vehicle. Anything short of this can qualify as reckless driving.


Public roads are not for racing. When one or more motorists decide to race in the midst of other motorists (abiding by the law), they can be guilty of reckless driving.

Racing poses a clear risk for an accident because:

  • Motorists often exceed the speed limit when racing.
  • Racing motorists often weave through traffic, running the risk of hitting every vehicle they weave through.
  • A speeding motorist is more likely to lose control of their vehicle.
  • A racing motorist has less time to react to changing road conditions (like braking vehicles) and far less margin for error.

Countless races have had tragic outcomes, including severe injuries and wrongful deaths. For this reason, racing is one of the most obvious forms of reckless driving.

Disobeying Traffic Lights and Signals (and Violating Others’ Right of Way)

A motorist’s most fundamental responsibility is obeying traffic signs and lights. Those who drive through red lights, ignore yield signs, blow past stop signs, and ignore other road rules show a wanton disregard for others’ safety—this is the definition of reckless driving.

Egregious Speeding

Speeding is one of the most common reasons why drivers are pulled over.

There are instances of speeding where motorists lose track of their foot, perhaps driving five to eight miles per hour beyond their intended speed. Then there is reckless speeding, which means the motorist intentionally disregards the speed limit, perhaps driving 15 or more miles per hour beyond the posted limit (and sometimes far more).

Those who speed in school zones, work zones, or dangerous weather conditions can also be cited for reckless driving. Like all reckless drivers, these motorists show a disregard for public safety and put others at immediate risk of serious injury.

Certain Types of Aggressive Driving

Motorists who are angry, in a hurry, or are too tolerant of risk may drive aggressively, which can mean:

  • Tailgating
  • Stopping in front of other vehicles as a means of retaliation
  • Passing in a dangerous manner
  • Driving on the shoulder
  • Engaging in any other action that qualifies as aggressive (which, by definition, means dangerous)

Behind the wheel is no place for aggression. If a motorist loses their cool and causes an accident, their reckless driving exposes them to financial liability for your damages.

Driving While Intoxicated

Those who drive while drunk or under the influence of drugs may face a charge of reckless driving. Clearly, those who drive while impaired willfully endanger others. These motorists should expect to face criminal charges if they are caught and should also expect to face civil liability if they injure anyone in an accident.

Reckless Driving Inevitably Leads to Accidents (and Injuries and Wrongful Deaths)

Most states impose criminal sanctions on reckless drivers for good reason. Lawmakers know that those who engage in reckless actions will inevitably cause an accident on a long enough timeline.

While reckless drivers assume that their actions will not have consequences, that delusion is shattered the moment a collision happens. These drivers must suddenly face the severe harm they cause others, including injuries and wrongful deaths.

What to Do If a Reckless Driver Injures You or a Loved One

If you or a loved one are one of the countless victims of reckless drivers, plan your next moves carefully. Every moment counts in the wake of a traffic accident, and you should:

  • Seek medical attention for any accident-related injuries: This should be an urgent priority if you have not seen a medical professional for a comprehensive examination. A doctor can image your injuries, assign specific diagnoses to symptoms, and help you prove that the accident caused you to suffer one or more physical injuries.
  • Seek mental health treatment for pain and suffering: The psychological and emotional effects of a reckless driving accident can be just as devastating as physical injuries. You should not delay in getting mental health treatment so you can establish the direct link between your accident and your pain and suffering. 
  • Hire a reckless driving accident lawyer as soon as you can: Insurance claims and lawsuits have deadlines. Hire your attorney as soon as possible, as they will also need to secure evidence related to your accident. The moment you hire your lawyer, you can stop worrying about your case—your attorney will take full responsibility for your claim or lawsuit.

Your health and your financial recovery are two of the most pressing concerns when a reckless driver injures you during an accident. If you have lost a loved one because of a reckless driver, hiring a St. Petersburg car accident attorney is just as important. Wrongful death cases have relatively brief filing deadlines, and you can work through your grief as your lawyer seeks justice for you.

What a Car Accident Attorney Will Do for You

A car accident attorney has a clear mandate and mission for every case they handle, and that’s recovering a fair settlement or verdict for the client. Expect full service, sound advice, and total protection from your lawyer, who will:

Create a Personalized Strategy for Your Case

Every successful insurance claim and lawsuit starts with a game plan. Your lawyer will:

  • Determine whether the reckless motorist has valid insurance (being uninsured is another symptom of recklessness).
  • Evaluate all available insurance policies, including policy values and coverage limits.
  • File all necessary insurance claims and have a backup plan if insurance does not provide the compensation you need or deserve.

Your case strategy will reflect who caused your accident, how costly your accident-related damages are, and the injuries and mental health problems you’ve suffered because of the reckless driver.

Deal with Insurers 

Two cars involved in an intersection collision, one car showing severe front-end damage

Auto insurance providers have the capacity to improve accident victims’ lives by providing much-needed compensation. Unfortunately, many insurance providers place their financial interest over their duty to policyholders (and even good ethics).

Your lawyer will represent you with insurance companies, which will:

  • Prevent any insurance company from convincing you to admit fault
  • Ensure the insurance company receives all evidence and documentation that will help the claims process progress
  • Allow you to focus on recovery without being bothered by insurance companies

Insurance companies tend to look out for themselves. Allow a lawyer to look out for you.

Obtain Proof of Damages Caused by the Reckless Driver

Your attorney will secure all documentation that directly or indirectly proves your damages. Medical bills, doctors’ testimony, images of injuries, income statements, and invoices can all be convincing proof of your accident-related damages.

Calculate Your Case Value and Negotiate with Insurance Companies

Your reckless driving accident attorney will establish a precise case value. This will be the benchmark they strive to hit when negotiating a settlement.

Experienced attorneys enter negotiations expecting a fight (from insurers or other parties your lawyer negotiates with). Your lawyer will anticipate arguments the opposing party will make, and they will have their own arguments ready in response—as well as all evidence and documentation supporting your case.

File a Lawsuit for You If You Choose This Path

While most reckless driving cases end with all parties agreeing to a settlement, this isn’t always what happens. In some cases:

  • Insurance companies are unwilling or contractually not obligated to offer all the compensation the accident victim deserves.
  • The inability to reach a settlement leads the accident victim to file a lawsuit.
  • After the accident victim files their lawsuit, a trial sometimes follows.

Your attorney can negotiate a settlement after filing a lawsuit on your behalf. Your lawyer will represent you in court if they can not do so.

Your lawyer will be responsible for even the finest detail of your case. From investigating your accident to fact-checking legal documents and arguing for a jury to award you a fair financial recovery, let a lawyer make the most of your one chance for justice.

Damages Your Lawyer Will Seek Fair Compensation For

Reckless drivers often engage in high-risk behaviors that lead to high-speed accidents. This means that victims like you often face devastating injuries and similar devastating damages, which may include:

Catastrophic Pain and Suffering

Auto accidents catch victims by surprise, and the collision alone can cause lingering trauma. The added stress of being injured means you may face grueling forms of pain and suffering that include:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder, which may be especially likely if a reckless driver hit you head-on, at high speeds, or in another way that caused a traumatic collision
  • Immediate and chronic pain
  • Lost quality of life
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

Your attorney should arrange for a mental health service provider to speak with you about your accident-related symptoms. This provider should give specific diagnoses for all psychological and emotional struggles you’ve faced because of a reckless driver.

Potentially Bankrupting Medical Expenses

Injuries from motor vehicle accidents may require extensive and long-term treatment. Diagnosis alone can be costly, with medical images and physical evaluations possibly costing more than you can afford.

Whatever your accident-related medical expenses cost, you should not have to pay a dime out of your pocket. The reckless driver, their insurance provider, and any other liable party should cover the cost of your accident, including healthcare costs.

Devastating Professional Damages

Injured accident victims often lose:

A head-on collision between a red car and a white car on a city street
  • Their income
  • Earning power
  • Opportunities for performance-related benefits like bonuses
  • Benefits
  • Other perks that come from being healthy and working at full capacity

Your attorney will include all professional damages in their settlement demand letter.

Comprehensive Mental Health Services (Which Are Not Free)

If you decide to get treatment for pain and suffering, your lawyer will value the cost of your mental health services.

Lifelong Disabilities 

Those with disabling injuries may need medical equipment, caregiver services, a new vehicle, and a host of other items and services. They may also lose their earning power and endure long-term pain and suffering.

There’s No Out-of-Pocket Cost to Hire a Car Accident Attorney

Your car accident lawyer will not ask for any out-of-pocket payment from you. In fact, they will cover all costs associated with your case, and they will only earn a fee if they negotiate a settlement or secure an award for you at trial.

Hire Your Car Accident Lawyer as Soon as Possible (or Risk Missing the Filing Window)

There are no financial barriers to hiring a reckless driving accident lawyer and many reasons to retain an attorney as soon as possible. Don’t wait to find a competent and compassionate St. Petersburg car accident attorney to fight for your total financial recovery.